Adobe XD for absolute beginners
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Adobe XD for absolute beginners, Create UI/UX Design With Adobe XD CC.
Experience Design (XD) is Adobe’s new UX design tool, and we have a first look at its public debut. Experience Design CC can be used to design and prototype all sorts of digital experiences, but it’s ideally suited for websites and mobile apps. Here, Shaher Yar shows how to use all of its main features, including artboards, drawing and text tools, links and interactions, Preview panel, and sharing features. He also explores Repeat Grid, an innovative feature for duplicating content in a layout.
Adobe Experience Design (XD) CC is an innovative new tool used for UI and UX design and prototyping. In this course, instructor Shaher yar also provides a brief overview of the features and functionality in this design and prototyping tool. Shaher yar gives a tour of its capabilities and features, including the addition of layers and symbols, and shows new ways you can share your prototypes. Plus, he covers productivity-boosting features like the Repeat Grid tool, explains how to go from concept to interactive prototype, goes over the PC version of the application, and much more.